Homemade Yogurt without a Yogurt Maker

You can make tasty yogurt at home without a yogurt maker if you know how. To make creamy and tangy yogurt at home, you only need a few simple things and some time.


  • 4 cups of milk whole or 2%
  • 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt with live active cultures
  • A heavy-bottomed saucepan
  • A thermometer
  • A whisk
  • A clean towel or blanket
  • A large glass or plastic container with a lid


Place the saucepan over medium-low heat and add the milk

Warm the milk until it reaches 180F 82C

To keep things from burning, stir every so often

Once you get the milk to the right temperature, take it off the heat and let it cool to about 43F 110C

Putting the saucepan in a bath of cold water will help it cool down faster

Put two tablespoons of plain yogurt and a little of the cooled milk in a small bowl

Mix them together to make a smooth paste

Mix the yogurt mixture back into the rest of the cooled milk using a whisk to make sure everything is well mixed

Put the milk mix into a clean container with a lid made of glass or plastic

Cover the jar with a clean blanket or towel to keep it warm

Put it somewhere warm and out of the way in your kitchen

Do not touch the yogurt for 6 to 8 hours so it can ferment

It will get more sour as it sits for longer

Once the yogurt has been fermented for a while, check it

The consistency should have changed and the taste should be sour

You can let it sit longer if it's not thick enough

Once the yogurt is the consistency you want, put it in the fridge for at least two hours to cool down and set even more

Now you can enjoy your home-made yogurt! You can eat it plain or with everything you like on top
